修士課程2年の谷口紀恵さんと昨年度卒研生の萩生田絵里佳さんの研究成果を、7月8日ー13日の日程で開催された国際シンポジウム The 23rd International Symposium on Plant Lipids (ISPL2018)で発表しました。【生体物質分析チーム】
Title「Lipid Profiling of a Cyanobacteria Synechocystissp. PCC6803 Exposed to Hazardous Chemicals and Pharmaceutical and Personal Care Products」
Chemical products are a necessity for us to live comfortably.Chemical substances used are discharged into the environment through industrial and domestic wastewater, and there is concern about the adverse effects of these chemicals on the ecosystem. Then, the development of a method for quickly evaluating the ecological effects of chemical substances is required.In this study, we analyzed the effects of chemical substances contained in antibacterial agents and insecticides on the lipid profile of cyanobacteria, as an ecosystem influence evaluation model organism, by lipidomics analysis using a liquid chromatography with triple-quadrupole/linear ion trap mass spectrometry system (LC-MS/MS), and searched for biomarkers to responded chemical substances.